Friday, December 11, 2015

Indoor 'Herb' Garden

In America, Herb is pronounced as 'erb' but the British way of saying 'herb' is still popular in India. I try to blend in but occasionally I stand out ;-)

I remember the things I used to hate the most in my childhood, herbs and few spices. Mint, Fennel seeds and Cardamoms topped my list of 'No No'. Over the years, don't know what changed I'm a total convert now!! Herbs top my list of favorites and Fennel, Mints, Cilantro and Basil's are the ones I love the most. Makes me wonder how and when this transformation happened!!

Four months back when we had to move from CA to OH, I never wanted to part away from my plants that I had grown them over summer. We had around 6 pots/containers full of herbs and I managed to bring them alive and they are flourishing indoors.

I was on a hunting spree looking for Curry Leaf Tree 2 years ago. There was a guy in San Bernardino who used to sell those saplings in LA but I never made it to him. 8 months back I found a person who has Avocado estate in Moorpark, CA also sells saplings of Curry Leaf Trees and Holy Basil. He went looking for Cuban Oregano (sambarballi) plant on my request and managed to get one. I can share his contact details for those who are interested. He does not ship anywhere so only locals get lucky!!

I found out that sell Curry Leaf Tree and so ordered one for $25 includes shipping. It came in a small pot and the sapling looked healthy. I immediately re-potted (major mistake which I shouldn't have done) and the plant almost died, they were kind enough to send me another one for free. My first plant survived under my supervision and the second one is doing good. I got them indoors before the first frost weather struck Cincinnati. I water once in two days and feed them diluted buttermilk occasionally.

I also got lot of veggie/green seeds from for half their value during fall. I plan to grow them next spring and they assured that seeds are viable for one year. They also sell Saffron bulbs (10 bulbs for around $12) and I was so delighted when the first flower bloomed after 2 weeks(late October in USDA 6a zone) of planting those bulbs. The 3 red stigmas are the Saffron threads!! Now I know why they are an expensive spice! If you are wondering whats that fork doing in that container, they are to ward off squirrels and moles.

I also got saffron bulbs ($5 for 5 bulbs) from an Etsy store called "simbalovesfriends" and it comes with free shipping world wide. They have some unique seeds plants/trees that are grown in India. I found Malabar Spinach (Basele Soppu) at CAM International Market in Cincinnati in the produce section and managed to grow them from cuttings. 

Especially in winter months when heating system runs continuously to keep the indoor warm which in turn reduces the moisture level, having a indoor plants improves air quality inside your home bringing in some moisture.

Trying my best to go Cruelty-Free from Head to Toe

Like I said in my earlier post can't recollect the reason for switching my hair care products to Aveda. Aveda uses organic raw herbal ingredients and organic essential oils in most of their products. I have been using Aveda's Scalp Benefits Balancing Shampoo and Conditioner for over 2 years and my scalp loves it!! I buy the 1 lit bottles as they are economical. I make sure the freebies are collected on time!! Their stress fix creme and lotion are to die for. Hand relief and Foot relief are so handy in winter months. I use their lipsticks and gloss for the reason I know they are Phthalate and Paraben free.

I still have few cosmetics from Sephora and Mac which I had purchased during those ignorant days. I use Tarte Cosmetics without feeling guilty as they are cruelty free :-)

I haven't used any leather accessories for many years now. I use Burt Bee's face cream and lip balm. I am not a Vegan yet!! I use Mina Organics Coconut oil moisturizer lotion which has very nice smell of Coconut and is available at Ross or Burlington Coat Factory. I use Zion Health Clay Dry Silk Deodorant rub-on as they are cruelty-free and vegan (available at Whole Foods).

How It All Started

There are times when I think about how it all started and I still can't remember a sole reason why I ventured into eating organic food. Having lived in California close to Hollywood world, I had liberty to visit local farmer's market for 4 years(including winter months), and I guess the vendors mentioning "spray free but not certified organic" must have triggered my mind into googling few basics about living a organic life. My apartment was few yards away from Whole Foods Market, and I would end up reading/exploring few of their produce and products.

The local schools did their bit of sharing information about healthy living. My daughter's school sent us home a mini shopper's guide from EWG's "Dirty Dozens" and "Clean Fifteen". The list basically tells us the must buy organic fruits and veggies and they are termed as Dirty Dozens. Well, this mini guide has a permanent place in my wallet now!!

I also buy all greens (Chard, Cilantro) and yellow summer squash in Organic section of my grocery store. I also got into the habit of checking ingredients and nutrition chart of most of the packaged food.

One of my cousin suggested that I should blog about my research and adaptations for others to refer. So here I go with my 2 cents on Organic living.....Enjoy!!